Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Chief Seattle Project

Chief Seattle‘s Beginning
He was born in 1786 on Blake Island. He’s given name was See-Yahtlh or Sealth. His mothers name was Wood-Sho-Lit-Sha she grew up in the Duwamish tribe. His fathers name was Schweabe and he was the leader of the Suquamish tribe. Sealth as a young warrior was known for his courage, daring and leadership. These traits would help him to precede his father and become chief of the Suquamish tribe at a young age. Sealth had two wives in his life. His first wife La Dalia died while giving birth to his 1st daughter, Kikisoblu. She was the most famous of the 8. His next wife was named Olahl and she gave birth to three sons and fours daughters. His children made him want to be a stronger man so he thought believing in god would help. He was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, and given the baptismal name Noah .Stealth was a very spiritual man both in the Indian world and the white men’s world. He would soon hold great power over his people

Chief Seattle’s Life
Chief Seattle was known for many things such as a great hunter and a spiritual leader of his tribe. He stared hunting at a young age his dad just thought that he was responsible enough to take him out to go hunting. His dad handed him a rifle and told him to be calm and try not to make noise. Chief Seattle was very nervous. Then right in front of him was a deer he took a shot. Then the deer jolted and his dad took the shoot and got it. Chief Seattle was mad he didn’t get it. His dad was still very proud of him. After that day Chief Seattle practiced and got very good. One night he came back with a deer, his dad was amazed that his son had just shot a deer. Of course they enjoyed that meal. Chief Seattle was hunting since that day and was very good at hunting. He and his tribe would get lots of elk, deer and pheasant. His tribe members were very good hunters, they could hit a deer from 45 yards away. They all enjoyed eating that meat.

Important People
Chief Seattle had many important people in his life. One of the most important people was a doctor named Davis Maynard. Maynard established the settlers support for Sealth’s people and made peaceful relations with the tribes. He also later persuaded the government to allow Sealth to remove his father’s longhouse on Agate Passage. Seattle was the one who convinced Maynard to establish a trading store at Alki Point. He was an Indian agent and trader. He also renamed the city of Seattle after Chief Seattle as a tribute to him.After his enterprise successfully took off Maynard wanted to change the name from Duwamps (after the Duwamish tribe) to Seattle. The Seattle’s culture did not allow this but his displeasure was lessened with money and influence. Without Maynard Seattle would not be who he was. There were others that influenced his life in another way. One of these main people was Governor Isaac Stevens. Stevens wanted the Native American land and Chief Seattle was the negotiator. Seattle was only going to willingly give up the land with certain boundaries and fought for his people. All in all it was Stevens and those of the government authority who caused Seattle’s death and suffering.

Chief Seattle’s Last Days
Chief Seattle’s grave is located in Suquamish. It looks out over the bay of Puget Sound. Chief Seattle wanted his grave the way it is right know. At his last potlatch in 1862 he gave away few things he had: old cloths, a horseshoe, a Muleshoe, fishhook, gunny sacks, tin can, boxes, food and knickknacks. He spent his time leading prayers. He also acted as a judge in tribal councils. He generally wore old pants, a shirt, and Hudson’s Bay blanket. On special occasions he wore a frock coat and a stovepipe hat. He died on June 7, 1866. His funeral was attended by a large number of Indians. Also alot of sympathetic white men. The letters I.H.S where inscribed in his tombstone. They stand for Latin “in hoc spirtus” Which means “I have suffered”.

His Speech
Chief Seattle was best known for his speech. His famous speech was brought forward by the proposal of the treaty by Isaac Stevens. He asked all his Indian tribes to sign the treaty and move to a reservation but demanded that it guarantee full access to the Native burial grounds. He believed that if they didn’t move they would die protecting their land. “ We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as it is the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land what he needs. The Earth is not his brother, but his enemy. When he has conquered it, he moves on. He leaves his fathers graves and his children’s birthright is forgotten.” This was a fragment of his speech. The speech helped many people through this. Chief Seattle fought for his people although many of them died from disease and starvation, he still fought and suffered. He gave up everything he had and still served on the tribal council. His speech is widely known and helped make Seattle what it is today.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This year is going to be a good year for boarding. I'm very exited because im going on the ski bus this year. There a bunch of my good friends going like Olive,Cortney,Miles and Alex. Its always fun with them becuase they don't stop and there the ones that like all the jump and box rails those are fun. Its always t a great time up there its not to pricey but i depends on what want up there. The food up there is really good. Its just a blast to chill with my friends and board!


This weekend im going to traxx. Traxx is a go-kart place over in Mukilteo. The reson why i like traxx so much is that you don't really have any rules. The karts go 45 mph it fun stuff. Im really exited because i'm going with one of my friends that lives in town and i never get to see him, His name is Blake. Iv'e known him since i was 3 then I moved up here and i never get to see him. Its sweet becasue he's not a wussy that only go like 4 mph and thats no fun becuase you just lap them. Know Blake on the other hand is crazy he like floors it and go ahead of me and then most of the time he crashes then he just flys right back behide me again. We always have a blast and its a great time.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Stop Frame Reflection Essay

This stop frame animation is about the famous explorer Herando Cortes and about his journey to Mexico.

The most fun I had on this project was making clay figures. It was fun to see what Herando did in his life and plot it out. Then we made scenes of his journey. The thing I liked about Herando Cortes is that he went into the Aztec empire and killed every one. That was a cool scene to make and watch. Another thing I liked is watching other people’s movies to see how they told the different stories of their explorer. I’m also a kinesthetic learner so it was fun for me because I like to use my hands.

The most difficult part of the project was completing all the scenes and clay figures and then taking pictures with little help from my partner. When ever I would stay after school she said she was busy so I stepped up and said fine I guess I’m going to have to do this alone. I got 4 scenes done that day and I was very proud of my self. Another difficult part was that we had to switch computers at least twice. It was hard figuring how to make some scenes but I figured it out. I also had trouble saving it to the server.

The most important thing I learned is that you have to learn to work independently. In this project I liked working by myself because I did better. My partner really didn’t help me, but I still got it done. I put great effort into it also. Another thing that I learned is you never give up and to always put your best effort into your work.

This was a great project a lot of fun and difficult. I put my best effort into this project and I did a good job. Thanks for the fun project Mr. B.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

rear window

My essay is about a top-rated American film called Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock and the main character is L.B Jefferies.

L.B Jefferies is a photographer that lives in an apartment in Chicago. He also has a girlfriend that he has been going out with for a while and she wants to get married but he’s not ready for that.

Then when his girl friend came over he looked over at the house to him and the guy was wrapping a knife and rope. He was very worried why he was wrapping a knife and rope and his wife was missing. At that point he knew something was up. So he called the detective and when he came to the house he didn’t believe him but he still checked it out.
L.B really wanted to know if this guy really killed his wife or not.

Then when the detective came back he told L.B that his wife was on a trip but when L.B toke his binoculars he saw that she had left her purse with her wedding ring and girls never leave with out there wedding rings. Know he knew he had to of killed her and he also learned that he would be a great detective.

In the end the guy figures out that L.B was spying on him and he came over to L.B’s apartment and tried to kill him and he was about to push him the railing and the police barged right in before he could but L.B slipped and broke his other leg.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

coast trip

In mid-September we went on a trip to the Washington coast. 5 days in the wilderness and missed 3 days of school. It was one big adventure. It was not easy and we had many problems but we got through them.

The trip had many fun parts, but the best part was probably cedar creek. It had the most things to do and it’s where I had the most fun. The camp had a rope swing and there was a creek that was really cool. One of my favorite parts was swimming in the creek. We got the 2 warm fires going and we put all of are wet stuff up to dry next to the fire. Then we jumped in the river. It was so cold! It was something I could never forget. We all slept well that night. It was a perfect ending to a long day of hiking.

The most difficult part was the breaker day. Day 3 it was when we had to hike 6 miles over 3 points. There was a bunch of slippery rocks that made me fall a lot. About the third time I fell I bruised my rib. Man it hurt so bad. Mr. Berquist asked if I was ok and I said yes because I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. When we hit the sand it felt like I was walking on nothing, it was so much easier. When we got there all of us were so tired! We all couldn’t wait to take off our back packs it felt so weird not to have 35 pounds on my back I about fell over. We set up our tent it felt so good to rest for the night. Great day of hiking but it was hard.

The most important thing I learned on this trip was how to never give up. At times I wanted to because it was so hard but I fought through it and I just thought about how happy I was going to be when I was done. Man I sure was happy. I did see things that I normally would never see, for example the wild sea lion and the great views of the sea. I’m very proud of my self for doing this. It was hard eating all the freeze dried food that was sick, but at the time I didn’t care because I was so hunger.

I got a lot stronger and I feel like I could do the hike again. Now that I think about it I think I did a good job on accomplishing the trip. I’m very glad I did Adventure Ed because it was a great experience I’m glad I achieved this experience with my friends I will have a lot of great memories.

Friday, October 12, 2007


This weekend I went over to my friend Ben's house. He told me to bring over my dirtbike so we could ride. So i did when we got to his house it was so big it was really cool. He had already taken out his bike so when i pulled mine out of the trunk we just went from there. I had to put all my protection gear on frist like helmet,boots,googles,gloves and chest protecter and when i had all that stuff on it got really hot quick. When we went out on the track i was so suprised to see how many trail he had it was sweet. He told me to go slow on the first couple of laps i was like ya right i just flored it and pig tailed it i felt awesome. when stopped Ben was like dude that was awesome. I was really suprised that i pig tailed it and if you don’t know what pig tailing is its where your back wheel slides out to the side. When i looked back there was a big skid mark. Then he showed me they jump and then i was just flying off of it. I was so happy that i had a friend that also dirtbikes man i love that sport. Im i very glad that my dad bought me a dirt bike I'm a very lucky kid.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Blog

This is my new blog. I think it is pretty cool web site!