Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wakeboard rail

Soon I'm going to start a wakeboard rail. The miterals i need are PBC pipe,cement blocks, metal poles and floatation's. The rail i'm going to build is called a slidder also called a up flat down. The reson why I'm doing this is for extra credit for science. I can't wait for the challenge. I also can't wait lot try it.


@nthony said...

sounds cool will. I liked your entry because it is pretty awsome hat you are making a wakeboard rail. I also liked how you discribe what it you will use to make the rail. I think that I need to try it after you're done. I have never wakeboarded before but it sounds like a fun challenge.

garret said...

sounds cool will grinds really hard i've heard on a wakeboard. I can barley get up let alone grind. I liked this piece because you explained the wakeboarding. Im gona try to get better this summer. Sincerly Garret.

Patricks blog said...

That sounds like a cool project. I liked your entry because you tell about wakeborading and the rail. I have wakeboarded before only one. I am ok at it but not vey good. It would be cool to learn how to grind.

Cortney =] said...

i liked this because it sounds like a really fun thing to do.